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Hello, I'm Brittany

I’m so glad you are here! Here’s a little about me: I am a wife to a Coast Guardsman and a mom of four little boys. We currently live in Connecticut and I stay at home and manage the household. My husband tells me that my official job title is home engineer and I think that's a perfect job description for me. I love cooking, baking, hand lettering, and interior decorating, among other things that I like to dabble in. 


I’ve created this blog because I have a passion for turning a house into a home and I would love to share it with you. We have moved quite a bit in the few years we have been in the Coast Guard and nothing is more exciting to me than envisioning a new space decorated in a way that makes it feel like home to me and my family. We officially bought our home in a small coastal town in Connecticut two years ago and have been spending our free time fixing it up. It's been a blast seeing our visions for our home come to life!


My goal through this blog is ultimately to inspire and encourage you to create a home in your house, whether that is through a simple DIY or a yummy recipe that you can make in your kitchen to feel more at home. I hope you feel inspired through this blog as I share how I love turning our house into a home. 


Thank you so much for being here! 


With love,



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